Oregon Association
for Family and Community Education
Strengthening individuals, families and communities through continuing education, developing leadership and community action.
National FCE and Oregon FCE Awards and Contest
Oregon FCE - Volunteer Hours Award
This award is to recognize those individuals, Study Groups or Counties that put in hours of volunteer time serving people in their communities. Please fill out the application form and be as accurate as possible. Hours are counted for both FCE and Community Service hours. Hours should be counted for the full year -September 1 thru August 31 (12 months) - prior to the Oregon FCE Fall Conference. Hours counted are on an honor system and will not be checked. Awards will be given at the Oregon FCE Fall Conference. Please mark the highest hours achieved for the category you are applying for. Write in the total hours at the bottom of the column if they are higher than highest column total. Please have an officer sign and date confirmation of the volunteer hours. Send completed application to the Oregon FCE President.
Application form is due on/before September 15. Click here for Volunteer Hours Awards Application Form
National FCE and Oregon FCE - Community Service Award (State Contest)
(To be submitted to National FCE by State Affiliates. Local groups should apply to their states)
Note: Deadline for Oregon FCE State entries are due on/before March 1, of the current year. Send entries to the Oregon FCE President.
Recognize FCE groups or individual FCE members who through their community service projects are changing the lives of others for the better.
Because of who we are and what we do, we are active in changing the lives around us for the better. Many of the projects that members do deserve recognition, but do not fall under the umbrella of any of the National FCE program awards. This award will encompass and honor those projects.
This is not a project award that carries a monetary reward. The reward comes in helping others.
Recognition of the project will be given to one entry from each state. Each state will receive a CERTIFICATE and a set of HEARTH FIRE LESSONS. (The State organizations can recognize any other state entries however they choose.)
Each submission must include a program report book and a brochure. Entry books will be submitted on 8½X11 paper stapled together and will follow the format listed below. Award brochures should include pictures, facts and information about the project that helps you tell your story, and encoruages others to seek more information about the organization.
A copy of the program report book and a brochure need to be mailed, by the State Affiliate, to National FCE Headquarters, 73 Cavalier Blvd Ste 106, Florence KY 41042, postmarked by April 15, of the current year.
Click here to download the Oregon/National Community Service Contest/Award Application Form
National FCE - Open Category Brochure Contest
This contest is designed to be an opportunity for all National FCE members at all levels (state, districts, counties, clubs or individuals etc.) to compete in a National FCE contest. The brochure is to be a “stand-alone” item promoting FCE in some manner. The brochure does not have to be connected to a Program Award Contest. Brochures used in the Program Award Contest may NOT be entered in this contest.
National FCE - Outstanding Unit Award
The Outstanding Unit Award was designed to use as a method of encouraging Units, Cubs and Study Groups, throughout the Nation, to look at the all of the things they do a Units. It was designed to help them "be all that they can be". All Units, Clubs, and Study Groups can apply for this award. Check out the qualifications, fill out the application form and send it into National FCE Headquarters.
Click here to go to the National FCE website for the Outstand Unit Award Application Form
National FCE - Superior Unit Award
The Superior Unit Award was designed to be a level about the Outstanding Unit Award. It encourages addition work to be done within the Unit. The Outstanding Unit Award must be achieved before the the Superior Unit Award can be earned. (Note: Both Award Applications can be sent in at the same time if qualifications for both have been completed.) All Units, Clubs, and Study Groups can apply for this award. Check out the qualifications, fill out the application form and send it into National FCE Headquarters.
Click here to go to the National FCE website for the Superior Unit Award Application Form
National FCE and Oregon FCE - Program Award Book and Program Brochure Contest
(To be submitted to National FCE by State Affiliates. Local groups should apply to their states)
Note: Deadline for Oregon FCE State entries are due on/before March 15, of the current year. Send entries to the Oregon FCE President.
(This Contest consist of doing and submitting a Program Book and Program Book Brochure)
Winning Program Award Books will receive vouchers for FCE educational materials in the following amounts:
1st place-$350; 2nd place-$200; 3rd place-$75 (Prizes given by National FCE)
Winners will be recognized at the Annual Conference -
Create a format that allows a wider audience to view successful National FCE programs completed in states.
Create a format for FCE members to become more skilled in:
Program award presentation
Marketing FCE visually and verbally
Writing reports and designing displays, as a way to develop leadership skills.
Provide incentives for grass root members to participate in and attend Annual Conferences.
The Program Award Books/Displays at Conference will give states the incentive to do a program/project as a way to supplement their funds.
Each state may enter
for work done in the previous year. A program/project may be submitted in only one category.
Categories are:EDUCATION: Researched information presented as instruction to further an individual’s learning in that topic
LEADERSHIP: Guiding a program/project from beginning to end, using training methods that empower students to teach others, involving other groups in a project.
ACTION: DOING – (work, read, cook, build, make) Community service, networking with 1 or more groups, taking education the next step to action.
EDUCATION, LEADERSHIP and ACTION: can be applied in all program areas.
AREAS: Health, Home and Community Environment, Leadership Skills, International, Youth Education, & Literacy.
PROGRAMS: Hearth Fire series, FCE Program Notebooks, FCL Topics, CHARACTER COUNTS!, Building Membership ~ Marketing FCE, ACWW and FCE’s International Programs and Projects, and educational programs presented at National Conference.
Prepare Program Award Books on standard 8 ½ x 11 paper and staple together. DO NOT enclose in plastic or decorative folders. The Program Award Book must be received at National FCE Headquarters by April 15. Copies will be mailed by Headquarters to the appropriate board members. The original Program Award Book submitted with the Brochure at the National Conference may be in a decorative cover. Program Award Books/Display Boards which do not follow the GUIDELINES will not be awarded monetary prizes.
Oregon FCE 2nd and 3rd Grade Essay and Art Work Contests (Oregon Only Contests)
The Oregon FCE 2nd and 3rd Grade Essay and Art Work Contests are open to all 2nd and 3rd Grade students in Oregon. They can be educated in a school, home schooled or other types of education. Each Oregon County will hold their own contests and County winners will be submitted to the Oregon FCE State President for judging at the state level. Oregon Counties without FCE are to send their completed forms and entries to the Oregon FCE President and they will be judged for winners from that County. Contact Scott Teeples, Oregon FCE President, at 541-891-6456 or sfteeples@charter.net if you have questions.
Click here to go to the Oregon FCE 2nd and 3rd Grade Essay and Art Work Contests Forms