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Oregon FCE & MPY Tri Line Newletters + Oregon and National Creeds 

Oregon FCE News is sent 3 X year to FCE members paying dues for Jan. 1 to Dec. 31 each year.

~Check Newsletter for next article deadline ~

Send articles and/or change of address to:

Lynda Nyseth, Editor

21461 S. Hwy 99W

Amity, OR 97101-2239


Note: Lynda is also the editor for the Dist. 3 MPY Tri-Line

Lynda Nyseth 4-27-23.jpg
2021 May Oregon FCE Newsletter


Oregon FCE Creed

"Let us seek contentment and joy in living. Get rid of all false estimates. Set up high ideals - first love our Master and know His will. Have a comfortable home and happy family relationships, with a strong devotion to the right that will not swerve. Have a simple religion, empty of bigotry and full of tolerance. Have good friends, worthy of being loved. Develop a good neighborly community contact. Have books full of inspiration. Have beauty of our own making. Have innocent pleasures that bring no one pain or remorse.  Be homemakers who love growing in knowledge and development. Let this be the philosophy which our FCE study Groups implement and promote. For in this way our greatness lies."


Mrs. W. Parker and Mrs. A. Willey  (revised 2005)


National FCE Creed

We will strive to promote a better way of life for all through fellowship, continuing education and service;  To provide guidance in our homes and communities by the uniting of people to make the world a better place in which to live.  May we have pride in our roles as homemakers and family and community educators, and may our hearts be filled with joy as we serve.  Let us always be conscious of the needs of others and be strengthened by the "Divine Light" that guides us all.

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