Oregon Association
for Family and Community Education
Strengthening individuals, families and communities through continuing education, developing leadership and community action.
Oregon FCE Service Projects
Comfort Bears Contact Bonnie Teeples for additional information - Ph. 541-891-2662 - bdteeples@charter.net
Comfort Bear Purposes
To provide comfort for a child in the time of stressful situations.
Comfort Bear Instructions
Use the Comfort Bear pattern.
Use any cloth appropriate for use with children of all ages. It does not matter if the sides are the same.
Follow instructions as posted on the pattern.
Do NOT sew on items for eyes, noses and etc. that may come off.
Eyes, noses, and etc. may be embroidered or painted on but be sure to use non-toxic paint.
Give the Comfort Bears to:
Police, Fire Departments, Emergency Responders, Children’s Shelters… any place they may be needed.
Note: A special thank-you to North Dakota Association for Family and Community Education (FCE) for sharing this community service project.
Books for Newborns Contact Karleen Christensen for additional information - ph: 541-331-1991
Books for Newborns Purposes:
To provide new parents and newborns with a young children's book so that parents can start reading to that child when they are young.
To provide a few of the basic necessaries for the child and young parents.
Book for Newborns Instructions:
Collect books that are design for very young children. Be sure that they are new or slightly used and that they are very clean.
Collect items that can be used by the new parents or newborn child such as booties, blankets, mittens, bibs, burp towels etc.
Put the book and other items in large Zip Lock type 2 gallon bags.
Give the Books for Newborns Packets to:
WIC, Hospitals, Children’s Shelters… any place they may be needed.
Emergency Preparedness Fair Contact Cynthia Gibson for additional information - ph: 541-690-9033 - lifesjoy@hotmail.com
Emergency Preparedness Fair Purposes:
To provide the local community with the opportunity to learn of way of preparing and the purposes of doing so for emergency situations.
Emergency Preparedness Fair Instructions:
Set a date and time and go to work.
Form a committee and make assignments as needed.
Contact all types of groups or people that would be willing to present at your Preparedness Fair.
Find a location that you can hold your Preparedness Fair such a school, church or other place.
Advertise and invite everyone to attend. Use bulletin boards, newspapers, social media etc.
Prepare and make sure that everything is ready to go.
Veterans Hygiene Packs Contact Bonnie Teeples for further information at 541-891-6456 or bdteeples@charter.net
Veterans Hygiene Packs Purposes:
To provide the local community veterans with items that they may need for hygiene purposes.
Veterans Hygiene Packs Instructions:
Set a date and time and go to work.
Form a committee and make assignments as needed
Find places that you can deliver the Vet Packs.
Contact all types of groups or people that would be willing help you with the project.
Find a method of collecting items needed for the Veterans Packs through donations from community members etc.
Advertise and invite everyone to attend. Use bulletin boards, newspapers, social media etc.
Prepare and make sure that everything is ready to go.